Our vision is to help organizations harvest more value from their efforts and their people to be engaged and experience fulfillment in their work life

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AgileLeanHouse is a small international company based in Denmark providing organizations around the world with education, support, mentoring and software tools. We help those who want to better serve their customers, improve their overall performance and develop sustainable value for all their stakeholders. 

We call our organizational framework Agile Lean Leadership (ALL). It is based on the contributions and ideas of many academics and writers and is significantly influenced by the Scrum and Agile principles best known for their application in project and product development. We draw on the “Lean” principles, conceived primarily by W. Edwards Deming and the cognitive notion of complexity, encapsulated in Dave Snowden’s concept of Cynefin. We have also benefited from Amy Edmondson’s work on Teams and The Learning Organization.

Targeting those engaged in highly complex work, Agile Lean Leadership synthesizes and evolves the many contributions to the subject into a coherent concept that is easy to implement and which can be scaled across entire organizations.

Our online workflow tool Agemba, underpins ALL in a practical way by providing complete transparency and the optimal means for collaboration needed for radical improvement to happen. 

We work with companies in the IT, engineering, financial, pharmaceutical and medical supply sectors and have experience with large multinationals and public organizations. We help our customers address operational and technical issues, but also the deeper cultural issues which have a significant effect on the workforce and most importantly, the customer.

AgileLeanHouse is a company with a social conscience and a strong desire to serve those that serve others and thus give back to the community. We aim to support worthy non-profit organizations and devote part of our efforts to providing pro bono services to those in need of our professional help, but who are unable to pay for it.

We have recently expanded into the US and are preparing to launch our services into developing countries, particularly in East Africa. Through the Agile Lean Leadership Network we are engaging with educators and organizations, seeking partners to help with the work of creating sustainable and resilient organizations through Agile Lean Leadership.