On the Road less Travelled to Freedom in Organizations
2025-03-12 at 19:00 CET
How to achieve the best possible level of teamwork, psychological safety, and engagement, when working in a hybrid fashion, remote and in the office? We are having a discussion of benefits and challenges and possible remedies to counter the reduced bandwidth and other obstacles in remote work. One of the key ingredients in all of this is trust; an organization with high trust operates on exceptionally low transaction and monitoring costs.
We have the next online event in our series “On the Road to Freedom” to present and discuss how to get the best out of Hybrid work in relation to a Liberating Organization, enabling engagement and taking of responsibility
We also aim to collect feedback and more perspectives on the challenges discussed.
We also want to provide our network members with an opportunity to share and discuss insights.
The online workshop is for people who are interested in creating an environment in organizations for improved value generation for all and excellence in products, services, and relationships.
The Agenda for the event is:
- Discussion and sharing of observations
- Benefits of Hybrid Work – concerning Liberating Organizations
- Saved time and frustration (commuting)
- Increased opportunity for focus and concentration
- Challenges of hybrid work – concerning Liberating Organization
- Reduced bandwidth in communication, half duplex
- A much-prolonged process of teaming and building trust
- Spontaneous interaction severely impeded
- A call for much more discipline (typically not appreciated)
- Discussion of possible remedies to counter challenges and exploit benefits
- A repertoire of methods, templates, and interactions.
- Coming soon…
Presenters are Kurt B. Nielsen and Christian Myrstad.
on 2025-03-12 at 19:00 CET, 20:00 EET and 1 PM EST, we have the next online event in our series On the Road to Freedom.
A link will be provided upon registration, please register here: https://forms.gle/ikBKi9HrmVzs815p6