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An underappreciated form and a root cause of technical debt.

Beware of the cliff you do not see, that you should have seen!

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From Hierarchy to a Network of Teams

Agile Lean Leadership is a framework for creating a sustainable and resilient networked organization as an alternative to the classic, top-down hierarchy.
It has provisions for serving the customers, resolution of challenges, escalation, and handling of crosscutting concerns.

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The Statler and Waldorf series

The Challenge of the Traditional Hierarchy

The first of the summer 2022 series of small articles on common challenges, in honor of Stadtler and Waldorf the two iconic curmudgeons from the Muppet show.

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The Challenge of Power

Do you want your organization to be truly agile and resilient, based on the engagement of people, pushing authority to where the information is, not the other way around? Then you will have to abolish power as the basis of your organization’s decision-making. The use of power leads to fear and that ruins the attempts of giving people the possibility of engaging. 

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To be or not to be predictable

“It will happen when it happens!” Does it really matter?” In this article published by Serious Scrum, Kurt Nielsen argues that it does.

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Are you predictable?

An article about the need for predictability and ideas to increase it. 

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Management or Leadership

How the West was lost to managerial totalitarianism

The first article in the series about how a totalitarian view of management has taken over the West.

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How the West was lost to managerial totalitarianism #2

The second article in the series about how a totalitarian view of management has taken over the West.

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How the West was lost #3, reclaiming

The third article in the series about how a totalitarian view of management has taken over the West.

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Leadership – on the other side of the fence

What are the differences between the Neo-Taylorist style of Management and Agile Lean Leadership.

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Reclaim and Proclaim

What can we do to reclaim the territory of management and change it into leadership. A proclamation of Agile Lean Leadership.

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If there is fear in an organization – the numbers are cooked

As a management instrument, fear leads people to abandon their principles and good judgement. A proclamation of Agile Lean Leadership.

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Complexity – the human condition

Complexity is the reason that we have work and organize us the agile and lean way, if we want good results. What is complexity really.

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Complexity once again: Liminal Cynefin

Some of the latest developments in complexity thinking makes the case for Agile Lean Leadership even stronger.

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Agile in Non- Profit Organizations

Working the Agile way in non-profit organizations

Introducing agility into non-profit organizations.

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Work of Meaning, Purpose and Direction

Applying principles of Agile Lean Leadership to non-profit work.

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From the Military

General Stanley McChrystal: Team of Teams

What can we learn from the unlikely source of the US Armed Forces. General McChrystal found out that he had to organize through Team of Teams, if he wanted to match the Al-Qaeda in Iraq.

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Guns and Roses

More inspiration from personalities in the US Armed Forces. All of them had to maneuver in highly complex situation and learn the hard way some of the lessons that we today build Agile Lean Leadership on.

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Agile in 60 Seconds

Our attempt to give a verbal elevator pitch about what the concept of “Agile” really means in just 60 seconds. We succeed quite well on this one

Available on ALH Blog 


How command and control works

In honor of the great artist and good guy Mort Walker, who passed away this year. His cartoon (“Beetle Baily” in English) portrays the absurdities in forgotten bureaucracies, in this case the US military.

Available on ALH Blog 


Agile Cards, Version 3.0

A new version of our popular Agile Cards has seen the light of day.

Available on ALH Blog 

Leadership round #2

The Attraction of Classic Hierarchies

A study in the motivation for so many people to seek acceptance in to the hierarchy of managers.

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Confessions of a Scrum Trainer

A acid/dripping, honest retrospective from a Scrum Trainer, reflecting on, as Kris Kristoffersen said, “If the going up is worth the coming down?”.

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The Leadership Cornerstones

Truth, service, trust and justice are the four cornerstones of leadership in our book. Feel free to disagree, but if you twist one of them it deserves another term.

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From Hierarchical Management to Agile Lean Leadership

Here is our latest epos about how to get the traditional hierarchy transformed to a moderne team-of-teams based style, what we call Agile Lean Leadership.

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Leadership – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

This article distills the discussion about reasons for seeking higher positions in a organization down to three easy-to-understand reasons: The good, the bad and the ugly.

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Money Changes Everything…

A study in the power of money as extrinsic motivation, the Agile Industrial complex.

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Comments in relation to media and events

You can lead a horse to water . . .

It may not want to, but sooner or later it will have to drink. In a recent departure from a decades’ long commitment to putting shareholders first, The Business Roundtable, a lobbying group representing America’s top CEOs, has finally recognized the societal impact of the stark imbalance between the “haves” and the “have nots”.

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A tale of Championship – Summer reflections

A short summer reflection on teamwork and championship.

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A tale of Bureaucratism – Summer reflections

Another summer reflection, a couple of encounters with bureaucratism. Why can the same institution produce opposite results in different departments?

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