A new version of our much loved Agile Lean Library with a host of Public Domain material collected over the years, has been released. The a look here…
The latest description of additions can always be found here…
During the summer 2018 there was time to do a lot of research into the undergrowth of thinkers in complexity, leadership and cognitive psychology. Several new sources were found and there is so much free material available for the avid reader or student.
We proudly present the latest version of our online Agile Lean Library for our network. Hopefully this saves you some hours of googling when researching.
News under ‘People’
- Daniel Kahneman is an Israeli/American psychologist and Nobel prize winner for his work in behavioral economics. He is called “The king of Human Error” because he documents the many cognitive biases that are at work when human beings make decisions or pass judgement. He is definitely a pessimist, but a kind and pleasurable one. We have found a lot of material from and about him, especially the Guardian in the UK have published many articles. There is also an excerpt from his Seminal work “Thinking, Fast and Slow”.
- Mathew Stewart ia an American philosopher, turned Business consultant, turned confrontational author. He came to realize that his whole world of consultancy was pretty close to fraud, making people pay for what they don’t need. He is quite amusing but his messages are also quite disturbing. There are some excerpts from key book “The Management Myth”.
- Russell L. Ackoff was professor in Management Science at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and a pioneer in the field of operations research, systems thinking and management science. It was surprising to get to know his work and quirky statements. He assembled throughout his life the so-called F/Laws of management, all the engrained mistakes that are regularly made – and made – and made again, read about it here…
News under ‘Topics’
- Complexity we found a whole book in PDF form: Complexity demystified, definitely worth a read.