The AgileLeanHouse Membership Portal provides facilities for accessing information about courses conducted under the AgileLeanHouse umbrella.
Once a course has been completed, participants will receive an email giving them access to the portal. The email also includes a link for accessing a Proof of  Participation PDF certificate awarded to them for taking part in that specific course.

Participants who choose to take part in the course’s follow-up assessment will also be awarded an extra Proof of Completion certificate.

Participants can at anytime login and get access to their course certificates and also the materials that were part of the course.
In the case where a participant wishes to share a certificate on other supporting platforms such as LinkedIn, they can use the copy link button to get the certificate’s shareable link.

Additionally, participants get a direct access to the rich Agile Lean Library from this same view.

Below is a screenshot showing a participant’s sample view: