Happy New Year 2025

The little freedom bird

Happy New Year to everybody. We thank you for 2024.

We are transitioning our webinar and workshop activities to another platform, away from Meetup. We want to keep you in the loop and invite you to register for our new platform, the AgileLeanHouse Network, via this form: https://forms.gle/p1mKqDgNzHhaKpZj6.

As a member of the AgileLeanHouse network, you will also receive news flashes about articles, publications, and available training courses, as well as access to a large library of reading material and templates.

Webinars and workshops

We will continue our activities in 2025 with online webinars and workshops. The topics will as usual be about everything Agile and Lean, and the first webinar in 2025 is scheduled for January 15. Read more about it: https://agileleanhouse.com/en/rtf_the-interviews.html and register here:  https://forms.gle/ikBKi9HrmVzs815p6.

Please register today to ensure uninterrupted access to our network, registration is free of charge.

In the January webinar, we will present and review the findings from the 90+ interviews we conducted as research for the book “Liberating Organizations – Building the Case for Freedom”. 

The webinars and workshops in 2025 will be used to collect feedback and further develop the Agile Lean Leadership framework. By participating in the workshops you will be able to discuss the topics with the authors and contributors.

The Book Liberating Organizations

You can find more information about the book at https://liberatingorg.com/. The e-book is ready and the paper version will be out in two weeks.

The book is about the need for and a way to create a resilient and sustainable workplace based on people’s freedom, engagement, and responsibility. We document how we got to where we are, why it is not ideal, what a better solution could be, and how to get to a better place. We also describe practical principles and methods for sustaining freedom, once it is acquired. We call this framework Agile Lean Leadership.

Education and Support

We and our network of trainers are available to help you with courses and support in Scrum, Agile, and building great organizations.

Once again, we wish you a Happy New Year, a better one than 2024.


Best Regards, Kurt Nielsen and Christian Myrstad – AgileLeanHouse