FREE WEBINAR: Shu-Ha-ALL – The way of the Scrum Master


Wed. March 24. 2021, at 7:00 PM CET/ 1:00 PM East Coast, USA. Duration 1 hour

Presenters: Robert Fujdiar, experienced Scrum Master and Agile Coach

The title of this webinar plays on the Japanese martial arts learning concept Shu-Ha-Ri that describes the stages of learning to achieve mastery of skills. Shu is about repetition and discipline. Ha refers to the stage where little innovative changes to the learned skills is possible, while Ri describes a stage that allows for creative and intuituve practise based on mastery. The added ALL in this play on words is short for Agile Lean Leadership an insprational framework and set of agile patterns and practices for organisations. 

This webinar focuses in on patterns and practices for the Scrum Master, the person responsible for team coherence, colaboration and the removing of obstacles. Robert Fujdiar will explore and create a constructive discussions around these questions:

  • How to develop more role specific skills?
  • What stances to take? 
  • What obstacles you might expect?
  • How to make your team and company better?

Please join the discussion and bring your own experiences to the table!

You can sign up through meet-up:

Shu-Ha-ALL: The way of the Scrum Master

Wednesday, Mar 24, 2021, 7:00 PM

Online event

19 Members Attending

In a recent webinar we discussed how “After Agile, comes Agile Lean Leadership”. To continue development of the subject we will now focus (and hopefully spark a discussion) on the journey of the Scrum Master, looking at specific questions like: – How to develop more skills – What stances to take – What obstacles you might expect – How to make your …

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