FREE WEBINAR: Psychological Safety – a personal case story

Wednesday, December 14, 7 PM CET/1 PM EST. Duration: 1  hour 

Presenter: Kurt Nielsen

It’s one thing to read books and articles, it’s another to hear inspirational talks about a pressing subject – such as Psychological Safety. And it is quite another thing to experience it yourself, especially from a position of severe vulnerability.

Recently, I had one of those experiences. A medical procedure that went south resulted in a lengthy stay at a particular hospital ward.

The atmosphere and culture in this ward were surprisingly positive, experiencing this as a patient was very uplifting. It led to many conversations with nurses, trainees, and surgeons about leadership, teamwork, the joy of work, etc.

It became apparent that the place had a very pronounced culture of psychological safety, something that had been developed over several years. I was permitted to make a survey among all the staff based on Amy Edmondson’s questionnaire. The results were extraordinary. We will talk through the details in this webinar.

Joins us for an hour of inspiration and discussion about how you can promote psychological safety in your team and help them on the path to intrinsic motivation and superb customer service.

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