Christmas Greeting 2020

Merry Christmas and warm greetings to you all from us here at AgileLeanHouse. We hope that this greeting finds you in good health and that you may see slivers of joy, light and hope in this strange, marathon year that 2020 has been. 

It seems like never before have we needed the connection, generosity, celebration and even physical displays of light that the holiday season can bring, as much as this year. But in the spirit of 2020 there are of course still many compromises, sacrifices and a degree of uncertainty. May we remind each other of the continuing existence of kindness, support and encouragement. 

For us as a business, like for so many others, this past year has been a roller coaster ride. When the entire globe closed down in March we thought this might be the end of our endeavors. However, with due gratitude to loyal customers and a supportive network we are still here working hard to support organizations with online Agile Lean Leadership training and our collaborative workflow tool Agemba. In the midst of everything we are genuinely grateful for the opportunity to be involved with work that we see makes a difference.

May your cups be filled with mulled wine, flavoured tea or hot chocolate and marshmallows – as you see fit.

The warmest of greetings to you all,

Anne Due Broberg

From the AgileLeanHouse Team