Participate in the Agile Lean Leadership Networks educational events

The modern resilient organization is a network of teams.
Hello everybody in the Agile Lean Leadership Standard Network, everyone who has attended one of our courses in the last couple of years or otherwise signed up for a membership.
We are ramping up our activities and expanding our offer of membership benefits.
First of all, there will be an opportunity to join a 1-hour online Retrospective and Q&A Session on 2023-09-05 at 15:00 CEST, 9:00 AM EST. This event is scheduled to run every first Tuesday of each month if there is sufficient interest. If you are interested, please register via this form:
Secondly, we introduce free extra education. You are invited to a 2-hour extra free training session on 2023-09-20 at 15:00 CEST, 9:00 AM EST about Personal Sustainable Work. Some people call it Personal Agile or use similar terms. The topic is about how we as individuals can be collaborative, resilient, and have a sustainable work-life.
This is a brand new area of focus for us. This training is not yet publicly available so you as our network members have the unique chance to experience the course before anybody else.
It is important for us to address this area. Many people do not work in ideal cross-functional teams, which lend themselves to standard Agile Practices. How can these people get some of the same benefits — both for themselves and for the organization around them?
Of course, the first question is, why should we even try?
We believe that a participative, non-power-based organization leads to greater overall value-creation, through greater adaptability and engagement. This again leads to greater satisfaction of all stakeholders including people who work there.
We also believe that we need to move our game of coaching and education up a notch from the pure team level also to include the organizational level, there is a very lucrative market waiting if we can penetrate it.
The Agenda for the Training course is like this:
- Introduction and framing of the problem
- A proposed strategy for personal work,
- Separate event-driven work from concentrated work
- Observe, Orient, and React loop
- Concentrated, Uninterrupted Effort
- Reflection
- Discussion (in breakout room if more than 10 participants)
- Break
- Interaction with others
- How to operate when you are an executive
- How to operate when you are an owner or board member
- How to operate with Online work
- Introduction to Liberating Structures(
- Discussion and Q&A
- General information, and introduction of upcoming events
We hope you have an interest in participating and can attend. If you have any questions or request help, please do not hesitate to contact us.
The course is free, but there will be a no-show fee of EUR 50 if you register and do not show up without de-registering at least 24 hours before. You can register by filling out the registration form here:
Read the full email here…