Free appetizers on-site or online are offered to organizations, contact us for an appointment here…read about them here and in PDF form here…
Find the courses in the series here:
Appetizer 1
This roughly one hour presentation provides an understanding of Agile Lean Leadership (ALL), its background and benefits. Afterwards there is a deep-dive question and answer section, for further clarification.
- Why is there a challenge to traditional management these days?
- Why is the classic plan-driven Neo-Taylorist approach unhelpful now?
- What set of values and benefits can be expected from ALL?
- What are the cornerstones and foundations that an ALL organization is built on?
This presentation is for those considering the benefits of Agile-Lean Leadership for their organizations. AgileLeanHouse offers full education and implementation support.
- Challenges for traditional management in the complex, knowledge based work of today
- Big upfront planning fails, organizations react too slowly as the world around them changes
- The background of Agile Lean Leadership, where did it come from?
- Dealing with complexity
- Lean, Agile and Scrum paved the way
- The elements and structures of Agile Lean Leadership
- Team of Teams, generalizing the Team to a Circle
- How to put Teams and Circles together. The organizational relationship diagram.
- Manifests and competency matrices
- Vision and visualizing, the importance of a high level roadmap.
- A way forward including the challenges
- A deep-dive Question and Answers section
“It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory.” – W. Edwards Deming
Appetizer 2
This second Agile Lean Leadership Appetizer is also approximately one hour long. The presentation gives participants a clear understanding of the practical details that can and should be addressed in organizations using Agile Lean Leadership (ALL). Afterwards there is a deep-dive question and answer section for further clarification.
- How to design Teams that serve customers.
- Using manifests to clarify Circles and relations.
- How to delegate jobs to other Circles and how to escalate cross-team-cutting concerns.
- How to scale up and down and working in different cognitive domains (Complex, Complicated, Obvious).
- The dual leadership of CO and XO (Product Owner and Scrum Master).
The purpose is to give participants the practical information they need to embark on an ALL transformation. ALH offers full education and implementation support.
- A quick recap of the background of Agile Lean Leadership, Team of Teams, where did it come from?
- Practical hints for designing circles: customer, primary, supplier, level two and secondary.
- Relations and Manifests create transparency.
- Rules of engagement, principles of prioritization.
- Delegation, the key principle in cross Team collaboration .
- Delegation among primary, secondary and level two circles.
- Escalation and resolution, dealing with matter bigger than the individual Circle.
- Practical patterns in environments that are Scaled-up or Scaled-down.
- Scale-up. The big project, one backlog many Teams.
- Scale-down. On Circle/Team many customers (many input streams to the backlog).
- The importance of dual leadership.
- A deep-dive Question and Answers section