Agile Lean Leadership Appetizer in Vejle the 12. March 17:00

Agile Lean Leadership (ALL) answers the question: “What happens after we introduced Agile or Scrum in our Teams?”, it shows how to get the same benefits in the whole organization when scaling Agile and Scrum out into the corners of the organization.

The free Appetizer event in Vejle on the 12. March at 17:00 will show you:

  • The challenge for traditional management in the complex, knowledge based work of today
  • The background, the elements and the structures of Agile Lean Leadership, where did it come from?
  • How to design Teams that serve customers well?
  • How to use manifests to clarify Circles and Relations
  • How to delegate jobs to other Circles and how to escalate cross-team-cutting concerns
  • How to scale up and down and working in different cognitive domains (Complex, Complicated, Obvious)
  • The dual leadership of CO and XO (Product Owner and Scrum Master)

The Appetizer is about 1 hour long with questions and answers afterwards, sandwiches are served. Registration is necessary, if you do not show up after registering, a charge of DKK 300 excl VAT will be invoiced

Join us later for one of our ALL Foundation one-day classes in Vejle on the 13. March 2019, read more here…

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