FREE WEBINAR: After Agile comes Agile Lean Leadership

February 18, 2021: 7:00 pm CET, 1:00 pm East Coast USA.

Duration one hour

Presenters:  Kurt Nielsen and Christian Myrstad

Please join us for the next in our series of informational webinars where we introduce and discuss new ideas for improving business and organizational performance. 

Agile Lean Leadership is a modern, non-hierarchical way of structuring organizations to be highly resilient and able to create sustainable value for all stakeholders in complex times of rapid change – It offers a reliable and innovative approach that provides consistency of purpose and enables constant learning, adaptation and improvement.
Come and learn the Agile Lean Leadership principles and judge for yourself if this is for you.


To register for the event write to or use the following MeetUp link:

After Agile comes Agile Lean Leadership

Thursday, Feb 18, 2021, 7:00 PM

Online event

39 Members Went

Agile Lean Leadership is a modern, non-hierarchical way of structuring organizations to be highly resilient and able to create sustainable value for all stakeholders in complex times of rapid change – It offers a reliable and innovative approach that provides consistency of purpose and enables constant learning, adaptation and improvement. Come and…

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