New initiative – a book

NavigatingTheRapidsAt AgileLeanHouse our vision is to see organizations getting better at creating value for those they serve. We try to move towards that vision in a number of ways by offering education, services and tools. Now there is a new initiative

  • It started with our training courses in Scrum and Agile under the “” label.
  • We then launched the development of 現agemba, our cloud based solution for collaborating and working the Agile Lean way.
  • Then we developed together with our Scandinavian colleagues the Agile Lean Leadership program see here…
  • As the latest initiative we have started work on a new book with the working title “Navigating the Rapids, leadership in the complex space”. It will be a book about the “Why, Who, What and When” concerning the mess, we are in, in organizations and how to get out of it. It will about the need for changing people’s mindsets when working with in the complex domain of knowledge work, innovation and partnerships – and all that with a global challenge.

The first thing that comes to people’s mind may very well be: “Oh no, not yet another management book!”, and it is true, you would think there is enough of them out there, you could comfortably feed a herd of pigs with them – with just the books, I have. So why spend precious time on this venture? Here is why:

  • Lately the understanding of complexity has grown. In a way that ties a lot of good work done over the last 100 years or so together, and explains why we have to have this different mindset, that we know from Scrum, Agile and Lean. This provides us with some tools for getting in that direction.
  • Agile and Scrum have traditionally been seen as some romantic way of working, that the weird IT people have come up with. It is way more powerful and effective, also in other areas. We need to explain that carefully.
  • Lean have traditionally in the West been seen only as a way of getting the much sought after efficiency. In fact it deals a lot more with effectiveness, doing the right things, which is the same as Agile and Scrum does. Real Lean also has a strong focus on respect for humaity. We need to highlight that as well.
  • For a number of years there really haven’t been a book that gave a decent overview, enough evidence to be plausible, enough real life examples to be authentic and with enough practical ideas and tools to get started immediately with improving – and that was fun to read at the same time.
  • The book will appear in our Scandinavian languages, there is precious little on these topics in our native languages. We are talking about changing of mindsets, not just procedures or processes. People react much more strongly and deeply to communication in their first language (the language of the heart).

So we believe it is a good time to draw a line in the sand, sum up all the good work that clever people have done over the last many years, give people a vision of an achievement, why they should consider setting out on this journey of change, a set of reasons to believe this will be good for them, and some hands-on examples of how to get started.

As part of this work, some snippets of texts will be published here as little appetizers dealing with some selected topics in a more classic blog way on this channel

The last of these articles is about how we can reclaim the managerial territory lost to Neo-Taylorism, have a look here…

— Kurt Nielsen