Onsdag, d. 25 maj kl 19:00. Varighed: 1 hour. Afholdes på engelsk.
Facilitatorer: Kurt Nielsen og Anne Due Broberg
Fostering psychological safety. This has become a key focus in much leadership debate and many team development initiatives. Much credit for creating this focus must be given to Professor Amy Edmundson and her career studying and communicating the dynamics at work.
But why is Psychological Safety so key to any organizational change initiatives? What are the indicators of lacking safety to look for? And what can individuals do to support fostering Psychological Safety in a practical sense?
On Wednesday, May 25. Kurt Nielsen and Anne Due will elaborate on “Using Psychological Safety to Drive Change” in an interactive meetup.
You are most welcome to join the discussion!
You can sign up through https://www.meetup.com/agile-lean-leadership/events/285817664/